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The new Deployteq theme - what do you need to know? - Knowledgebase / General - Deployteq Support

The new Deployteq theme - what do you need to know?

Starting September 5, 2024, after logging in, you'll be able to switch to the new Deployteq theme. You can do this by toggling the switch in the top bar:

The screen will automatically refresh. This change only adjusts the look & feel for yourself, not for other users in the portal.


Did you come across something in the new design that you'd like to share with us? Leave your feedback in the Let’s Talk forum in our Community!

Here, you can see the feedback other users have already provided or leave your own feedback. If the topic you're giving feedback on isn't listed yet, you can create a new topic.

What do you need to know about the new look & feel?

Many aspects of the new theme are best discovered by clicking around and exploring. For example, the campaign designer still works the same way, but the icons for campaign objects have changed.

Below, we highlight some useful tips about the new design!

Top Bar

In the top right corner, you'll find the following elements:

  1. This toggle allows you to switch back to the old look & feel.

  2. The portal name, release version, and date and time. Clicking on this will show you the most recent release notes.

  3. By clicking the question mark, you’ll go to the manual for the section you’re currently in within Deployteq.

  4. This opens a feedback form where you can submit feedback on the new design related to the section you’re currently in within Deployteq.

  5. Clicking this icon expands all brands within the portal (if you have sufficient rights) and allows you to navigate to another brand. The image you see is the one added in the brand settings. If no image is added, none will be displayed. If you hover over the icon, you'll see the name of the brand you're in displayed in a tooltip.

  6. This logs you out.

The structure of the menu bar and the order of the menu items have not changed, except that you can now find your user profile in the bottom left corner:

Here, you also have the option to expand or collapse the menu bar:

Deployteq Store

The Deployteq Store has a slightly different layout. The apps are now categorized by default. As you scroll through the categories, you'll see a green checkmark indicating which apps you have installed.

Using the filters at the top, you can also make one (or more) category(ies) visible.

In some installed apps, when you hover over the app, three dots become visible, which allow you to, for example, access the logs or remove the app:


You'll find several significant changes in the Reports menu.


Please note: SMS reports are not yet visible in the new theme. You can only view these in the old theme.

On the Reports homepage, you'll see a list of all broadcasts, with the most recent at the top. You can also use the search function to search by name of an email or broadcast.

  • In the first column, you'll see whether a broadcast is a test email by the addition of [TEST] after its name.

  • In the 'Type' column, you'll see whether it's a Campaign Email, Quick Email, or Single Email.

  • In this view, you can select two or more reports and use the ‘Compare’ button to compare them.

  • Double-clicking on a row opens the detailed report of that broadcast.

Here, you'll see four tabs: General, Open/Clicks, Deliverability, and Visual Clicks. Each tab consists of several sections that you can view by scrolling down.

For example, the Open/Clicks tab includes sections like Opens/Clicks Dynamic, Email Engagement Metrics, and User Platform Statistics.

To return to the list of all reports, click ‘All reports’ in the breadcrumb navigation.

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