It can happen that, despite feeling like you've done everything right and everything is in order, your emails still do not reach their intended destination effectively. We offer our customers the option to have a scan conducted by our Deliverability Manager. He goes through the steps below to uncover any issues and get you back on track.
Historically, we examine what the customer has done to date. For example, over the past 3 months, the following is analyzed:
Email history and differentiation;
Mailbox provider acceptance rate (how quickly the email is accepted);
The trend in the development of all bounces.
Data quality is scrutinized:
Domain errors;
Disposables (the same name but a different email address, e.g., to receive a one-time discount on a product);
Expired domains;
Short-term bounces (7 days);
Content check (standards that the mailbox provider requires), such as the absence of an unsubscribe link or content segmentation;
Spam complaints;
Email frequency (number of email movements to customers in a fixed period);
Mail volume (ideally, we prefer to see a flat line without peaks at specific times as this affects your reputation).
After all the above checks, we conduct a baseline measurement:
Sign up for the newsletter;
Test the email processes;
Inbox placement check (how the email is delivered to Microsoft, Google, etc.).
Contact your account manager if you believe a deliverability scan could provide insights for your situation!
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