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ctrl+z / cmd+z in campaign designer and email editor - Community / Verbetervoorstellen - Deployteq Support


ctrl+z / cmd+z in campaign designer and email editor Open Discussion

As a campaign designer I would like to have the ability to undo alignments, additions and configurations that I have done with ctrl+z / cmd+z without having to first exit the campaign without saving and also losing correct changes.

Als campaign designer zou ik graag de mogelijkheid willen hebben om uitlijningen, toevoegingen en configuraties die ik gedaan heb met ctrl+z / cmd+z ongedaan te maken zonder dat ik eerst de campagne hoef te verlaten zonder op te slaan en ook coorecte wijzigingen te verliezen.

Reacties (2)

Anne-Rose Lynch
When creating campaigns or E-mails in Deployteq I sometimes delete something or change something by accident. I would like an undo (ctrl z) button so you can go back a step or multiple steps. A button to go forward again would then also be good (ctrl y).
Klaske Beinema
Having an undo-button is user friendly. Looking at things from a customer point of view, you have to realize that your users are humans who sometimes make mistakes we want to undo.

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