What is your feedback on Reports in the new theme?
Feedback received so far:
The campaign monitor report is missing (--> confirmed by our development team that this will be added at a later stage)
It is no longer shown to which profile a quickmail has been sent ( --> confirmed by our development team that this will be added at a later stage)
The export button for reports is missing.
There is no distinction between campaign and batch emails.
It is not visible anymore how many recipients of an email received the conditional block. It is visible how many clicks the link received, but not how many people saw that content at the time of sending, like in the old reports.
It is not possible to view older reports (solved in release 3.11.45)
It is no longer possible to filter on type (solved in release 3.11.45)
On the Open/Clicks tab, the names of the content overlap when using the Compare-option, making it unreadable (solved in release 3.11.49)
The number and percentage of accepted quickmails is incorrectly shown as 0 (solved in release 3.11.52)
For Quickmails, on the Opens/Clicks tab, the diagrams under Email Engagement Metrics are all set to 100% ( solved in release 3.11.52)
You can no longer exclude testmails via the filters (solved in release 3.11.55)
On the Visual Clicks-tab, links with the same Clickthrough name occur several times. They are not grouped together (solved in release 3.11.56)
Visual clicks are missing (solved in release 3.11.68)
Comments (7)
Visuele clicks mis ik ook. En was altijd heel blij met de scheiding tussen quickmails en campaign mails.
Knopje show /hide test mails zie ik nu ook niet. Waar kan ik nu zien als ik een campagne live zet en ingepland is? Het stukje dashboard van de campagne zelf dus.
In de reports zie ik nu ook niet meer goed wat de winnaar is van een ab test. Ook hier mis ik de logische groen en rode kleur van positief en negatief.
Moet nog wennen aan de layout, vind t vrij groot opgezet nu.